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Posted at 06:30 AM in DIY Cheerleading Ideas | Permalink | Comments (0)
Are you ready for information on the Ground Up Full? For all of the details, click CIC Ground Up Full! Remember, you should MASTER beginning and intermediate stunts before you attempt advanced stunts.
Posted at 07:07 AM in Cheerleading Stunts, Cheerleading Tips, Stunting for Cheerleaders, Stunts | Permalink | Comments (0)
Are you looking for some tips to make your cheerleading jumps amazing? Whether you are a beginner or an advanced cheerleader, these tips will make you stand out! Click CHEERLEADING JUMP TIPS for all the details!
Jump Tips:
Keep your head up and do not look down: Many people have a tendancy to look down during their jumps; as such they don't get the height they need. If you look up, your momentum will flow UP and help lift your body.
Bring your feet and legs to you: For example, when you are doing a toe touch, bring your legs up to meet your hands - do not reach down toward them.
SMILE! If you have the best jump in the world but you do not smile, it is really not that pretty.
Land with your feet together.
Practice them on the ground to get proper position: Some jumps can be done on the ground like the Tuck jump, Side Hurdler, Double Hook, Toe Touch, Pike, and Double Nine. The Herkey can not be done on the ground because your knee is facing down not forward like the Hurdler.
FUN TIP: For a fun game, do your jumps on the ground and mix them up. Have someone call them out like the game Simon Says.
Do lots of Strength and Flexibility Exercises: Doing jump exercises will help the height and execution of your jumps. CLICK HERE for a list of exercises.
Posted at 08:00 AM in Cheer Tips, Cheerleading Jumps | Permalink
Posted at 01:47 PM in Cheerleading Motivation, Cheerleading Quotes | Permalink | Comments (0)
Here is another super simple exercise for your inner thighs that you can always fit it in while you are watching TV ( no excuses)! Here are all of the details:
Enjoy your strong, beautiful legs! :-)
Posted at 07:11 AM in Cheerleading Fitness, Cheerleading Skills, Cheerleading Tips, Excercises for Cheerleaders, Fitness | Permalink | Comments (0)
Here is a great variation on the Cheerleading Double Thigh Stand. All you have to do is add 1 girl in front of a double thigh stand and have your flyer bend over and place her hands on the front person's shoulders. This is the perfect variation to put in front a a prep or half elevator!
Click on Cheerleading Double Thigh Stand Instructions for all of the tips you need to know on how to do this beginner stunt.
Posted at 07:18 AM in Cheerleading Stunts, Cheerleading Tips, Stunting for Cheerleaders, Stunts | Permalink | Comments (0)
Cheerleading is an amazing sport that will absolutely improve your confidence. The more you cheer in front of a crowd, the more your perfect new skills and the more your help your teammates, your confidence will grow!
However, we still hear cheerleaders talk about improving their confidence NOW. Well, we are here to help you with that too! Check out this great video from our sister company SMARTTE that will give your some tips to INSTANTLY Improve Your Confidence NOW!
Posted at 06:27 AM in Body Image, Cheerleading Motivation, Cheerleading Skills, Goal Setting, Mental Side of Cheerleading | Permalink | Comments (0)
Do you want some great chants, already choreographed for your football games? Check out the latest ebook from the CIC Cheerleading Mastery Series and add some new chants for your next game TODAY! This new Football Chants ebook includes chants for beginning to intermediate teams with lots of variations to add difficulty and take your chants to the next level.
Get your copy today for ONLY $5 at
Enjoy :-)
Posted at 10:24 PM in Cheerleading Chants, Cheerleading E-Book, Football Chants | Permalink | Comments (0)
What do you have on your Cheer Goals List? Perhaps you want to be on your High School Varsity team or the local All Star Competition team. Maybe you want to be a College Cheerleader. So how do you get there? Here are some tips to get you on your way:
1. START NOW!!! There is something that you can do TODAY to get you on your way.
2. Write down your top 3 long term goals ( over 1 year ) and put them in a place that you can see them daily; like your bathroom mirror or by your bed.
3. Take each one of your top 3 long term goals and break them down into smaller short term goals. For example, if you want to get your standing back tuck, smaller goals to work on today can be working on your back handspring.
4. Keep a log of your progress. All you need is to take a pad of paper or journal and write down daily every small step that you do toward your goal.
5. Reward yourself for your accomplishments along the way! A nice reward would be to spend some time at your local park or taking a yoga class.
6. START NOW! I know we started with this one but I can promise you that in one year from now, you will be glad you started today.
Have fun and go for your goals because you can reach them!
Posted at 08:52 AM in Cheerleading Coaching, Cheerleading Flyer Tips, Cheerleading Motivation, Motivation | Permalink