If you are a flyer or would like to be one, than this section is for you. This section has a variety of tips and techniques for you to be the best Flyer you can be.
Flyer Positions: There are a variety of positions for a Flyer. Please CLICK HERE for a list of them.
- Be Confident: Confidence shows and lack of it can get you hurt.
- Smile
- Look Up at the crowd - do not look down.
- Always be "tight"
- Sell the stunt with your facial expressions and sharp motions.
- Always use proper climbing techniques (some listed below).
- PRACTICE in a mirror at home on the ground to make sure your posture is correct.
- NO LAUGHING while in your stunt.
- Use the word "DOWN" if you are falling
- NEVER try any stunt that you are not ready for. For example, if you just mastered the Double Thigh Stand, you next stunt should not be the Ground Up Full.