So you want to be a cheerleader? Well, here are some tips to help you make your favorite team. There are 3 basic parts of the tryout process:
1. Prep-Time - how to get ready for tryouts
2. What to do on the day of tryouts
3. The actual Tryouts and being in front of the judges.
Per sure to check out our 3 part series on Cheerleading Tryouts to give you the edge!
Now, let's get started with Getting Ready for Tryouts!
Prep- Time
Generally, each team will have some kid of clinic to teach you all of the materials you need for their tryout. Usually, teams will have a hands on clinic where you actually go to the gym and learn from an instructor or previous cheerleader. On occasion, some teams may give you the material on video to learn at home. For the clinic type, here are some tips to remember:
· Be ON TIME: On time means 15 minutes early - NEVER be late!
· Try to be in the front of the group so you can get a good view of the material.
· If someone next to you needs help and you think that you can, help them or find someone who can- remember this is a team sport!
· Bring a pad of paper and something to write with so you can take notes. Write down your cheers and chants, dance moves, tryout partners name, and tryout times / details.
· Do NOT leave early or be the first out the door.
· Ask questions if you need to - do not be shy, they expect you to ask for help.
· Always have a SMILE!!!!! This should be fun and people want to see your smile - especially your new potential coach.
· Normally, your tryout score defines if you make the team or not. However, the head coach can override the scores if they feel you would not be a good “fit” for their team. For example they consider, your appearance; yes your practice attire matters and this is not the place for your shortest shorts! Your attendance and your ATTITUDE are both HUGE! Think of the Clinic as your first tryout because you never know who is watching!
For school teams, most coaches consider your grades and references from your teachers - so keep up with your studies!
At this point, the next best advice is:
Practice, Practice, and Practice some more!
Practice like you are in front of the judges! It is a known fact that the way you practice something is the way you will perform it. So practice full out!