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Cheerleading Coaching

Top Tips to Improve Your Cheerleading Practice from the Cheerleading Coaching Center

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Everybody knows that PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!  Well here are some tips for you to think about while you practice.

1.  The way you practice is the way you will perform it:    Many people think that they will just "walk" through their practice all of the time.  However, if you do not practice "full out"  most of the time your performance will suffer!

2.  Set a practice schedule for yourself.  Also, it is great to practice with a friend;  this way you will be more likely to keep your appointment with yourself!

3.  Practice in front of a mirror.  This way you can see what changes or improvements you should make.

4.  Set a goal for your practice.  For example, a good goal would be to clean the first 3 - 8 counts of your performance routine.  Or to perform 2 toe touch jumps in a row at your best.

Remember, your goal should be to improve what YOUR BEST is.  Try not to compete with someone else, just FOCUS on your skills and you will be surprised at what you can achieve! 


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