Author: Elaina Duggan
Very often, one of a team’s most important decisions is what to do for a fundraiser. It helps to pay for new uniforms, summer camp, choreography, competition fees, as well as other materials your team may need. Have you ever asked yourself, “How can we make a maximum profit with minimal investment?” Everybody knows about bake sales and car washes – but here are a few ideas that your team may not have tried yet…
Full Team Yard Sale: Who doesn’t like a good old fashioned yard sale? Make sure to advertise in the local newspaper. This gets rid of your parent’s old stuff, too!
Run a Cheer Camp: Have your cheerleaders make up simple material and run a cheer camp for your local youth cheer teams.
Golf Tournament: Work with a local golf course to run a golf tournament. Have your cheerleaders work different holes along the course with games like, “closest-to-the-pin” or “longest drive”.
Pom-Pon Fundraiser: Show your school spirit by selling pompoms with your schools colors at games. This website also has a lot of other really cool ideas for game day sales.
Go Magnets: Stickers are so ‘90’s. Team magnets are another great way to fundraise with some good ol’ school spirit.
Value Cards: Turn your favorite restaurant, shops, and businesses into a personal value card!
Your-town-opoly: This is one of our personal favorites!! First you go around to local business and see if they’d like to purchase a spot on your town’s Monopoly board. That money alone can pay for your purchase of the boards. After that, sell the games at local businesses!
Do you have a good fundraiser of your own? CLICK HERE and send us your ideas as we would love to share them with everyone.