Cheerleading Coaching Center

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How to Make Your Cheerleading Practices More Fun!

How to Make Your Cheerleading Practices More Fun

Would you love some fun ideas to get your team excited?!  How about some great ideas for your upcoming practices? Check these out and get started:

  1. Color Team Day:  Have a practice where the entire team wears a specific color.  For example, next week’s practice can be Pink day or Red day.  Also, you can have your entire team where the same color all day at school to reinforce team unity.
  2. Color Stunt Group Day:  Have a practice where the each stunt group wears a specific color.  For example, one group can wear red while other groups can wear pink, blue, green and yellow.
  3. Crazy Sock Day:  Have everyone where crazy or mix-matched socks.
  4. TWIN DayPair up your athletes and have them dress like twins at your next practice  You can use this to improve team unity as you can select the pairs and put people together that may have not really spent a lot of time together.  At the end of the practice have the twins do a little “fashion show” for the team and you can give out awards for the most creative;  awards can include lolly pops, cheer money, etc..
  5. More Theme Day Ideas:  Here are some other themes that you can use at your practice:
  • Disney Shirt Day
  • Super Hero / Wonder Woman Day
  • Polka Dots Day
  • Bow Day – wear as many bows as you can.
  • Crazy Bow Day
  • Tie Die Day – Wear Tie Die shirts, socks, bows, shorts, etc.
  • Heart Day – wear as many hearts as you can.
  • Star day – wear as many stars as you can.

6. Give Back DayAt the end of practice, take 30 to 45 minutes to do a community service project.  Ideas include to make toys for the animals at the humane society or to make birthday cards for a homeless shelter.

For more FUN ideas for your practices, upcoming pep rallies and to increase the spirit in your school or organization:

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