It should be everyone's goal to have a great practice that is productive, fun and safe. Here are a few things you can do to help make your practice safer:
- Always do a proper Warm Up Session ( Click on the link below for a full video warm up to use. )
- Make sure everyone stays hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
- Do a warm up stretch as well as a cool down and stretch. Remember, stretching should not hurt.
- Look at your practice surroundings. Make sure there are no obstacles that can make someone trip or fall.
- Use the proper equipment including mats.
- Make sure all participants are wearing the proper clothes and sneakers.
- Don't wear jewelry during practice as it can scratch someone as well as get lost.
Remember, safety starts with You! If you make it known that you want a safe practice and follow the above tips, others will too. For a complete warm up, check out the Warm Up details on CIC!