Jump Exercises:
Here are some exercises to help make your jumps even better:
1. Leg Raises on the ground:
Sit with your legs in a straddle position. Lean back slightly and raise your leg using your quadricep muscle. Do each leg 3 to 5 times. Remember to point your toes and keep your legs straight.
Right Leg
Left Leg
2. Explosion Jumps
Begin with your knees bent and arms in a high touchdown position. Use your legs to jump / explode into the air. This exercise works your legs to help you work on the height of your jumps.
3. Leg Raises - Standing to the Side
This exercise is demonstrated in the video above and can help you on the height and landing of your jumps.
Slow Kicks: Slow kicks are for strength and works your quadricept muscle. Concentrate on lifting your leg for a count of 2 up and 2 counts down. Feel your quadricept muscle working. Do 3 to 5 on each leg.
Fast Kicks: Fast kicks help your flexibility and the extension of your jumps. Also, fast kicks help you land with your feet together as you work your hamstrings to pull your leg down.
4. Leg Raises - Standing to the Front
You can also do slow and fast kicks to the front. Instead of lifting your legs to the side, bring them directly in front of you like a pike position (just one leg at a time).
5. Calf Raises
This exercise was also demonstrated in the video above. You can do them in 3 different positions: feet together, feet in a "V" position, and feet in and inverted "V" position. Remember, try not to let your heels touch the ground.