If you need some fun ideas to help motivate your team - you are in the right place. Below, we have listed some ideas you can do with your team.
Do you have some tips you would like to share? If so, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page and send them in! Thank you!
1. Pick Captains for the day: Even though you have team captains, choose another Captain for the day / week / game. This way everyone gets an opportunity to be in the leadership role. 2. Give Compliments and Positive Phrases: This is probably the most influential motivator and can mean the most to your cheerleaders. Try to use these as much as possible; you can just tell her or write them in a note. Here are some examples: · You did a great job today! · Your smile was awesome! · You are a valuable member of our team! · Your dance looks great! · Thank you for all of your hard work! 3. Give a Spirit Thought: Make your team “Spirit Thoughts” and pass them out regularly. For example, make notes on your computer like the following and make several copies. When ever you see someone doing a great job, make them a note and put it in a place for them to find later like their locker, cheer bag. Etc.
4. Hand out Awards: Make awards for your team including:
· Super Stunter
· Magnificent Motions
· Super Spirit
· Awesome Leadership
· Terrific Teammate
5. Pass out Cheerleader Coupons: Make coupons to pass out when your cheerleaders accomplish a task. Here are some examples:
· Free Pass: Skip exercises at practice.
· Jump Coupon: Make another cheerleader do 3 jumps in a row.
· Skip Practice: Skip 1 practice.
6. Acknowledge them on your team Blog or Cheer County Page: Write a short sentence about them or even post a picture of them.
7. Give them a shout out on your Twitter page: When doing public compliments, you might want to use only first names to keep the privacy of your teammates.
8. Thank You cards: Give your cheerleaders thank you cards for completing a new stunt, routine, or project.
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