What do you have on your Cheer Goals List? Perhaps you want to be on your High School Varsity team or the local All Star Competition team. Maybe you want to be a College Cheerleader. So how do you get there? Here are some tips to get you on your way:
1. START NOW!!! There is something that you can do TODAY to get you on your way.
2. Write down your top 3 long term goals ( over 1 year ) and put them in a place that you can see them daily; like your bathroom mirror or by your bed.
3. Take each one of your top 3 long term goals and break them down into smaller short term goals. For example, if you want to get your standing back tuck, smaller goals to work on today can be working on your back handspring.
4. Keep a log of your progress. All you need is to take a pad of paper or journal and write down daily every small step that you do toward your goal.
5. Reward yourself for your accomplishments along the way! A nice reward would be to spend some time at your local park or taking a yoga class.
6. START NOW! I know we started with this one but I can promise you that in one year from now, you will be glad you started today.
Have fun and go for your goals because you can reach them!